Out With The Old And In With The New - Why Chinese New Year Is The Best Time To Get A New Mattress

Out With The Old And In With The New - Why Chinese New Year Is The Best Time To Get A New Mattress


The Chinese New Year is a great chance to make a few promises to yourself and give your life a refresh by removing old things or routines that no longer serve you well and replacing them with new ones that will have a renewed benefit to your life. This way you make sure you go into the new year adding more value to your life and creating more chances for you to achieve all the things you want to.

One of the best things you can do is remove old belongings from your house and life and clear the way for newer things. Last year we looked at exactly what you could replace as the Chinese New Year celebrations came to an end. In that list, we told you that replacing your mattress over Chinese New Year was a great idea.

This year, we thought we'd go into a little more detail and explain exactly why the Chinese New Year is such a great time to replace your mattress.

Time To Start A Fresh

Chinese New Year celebrations are all about fresh starts and starting over. Replacing your mattress at this time of year will not only give you a fresh start in terms of revamping and revitalising your sleeping patterns, but it will also ensure you get a fresh start every morning for the rest of the year.

By replacing your mattress at the turn of the year you can start the new year as you mean to go on. You'll increase the chances of you sleeping well all year regardless of all the challenges and stresses that the year might bring your way.

Help You Sleep Through Late-Running Celebrations

Whilst the Chinese New Year celebrations are great fun, there can be a time where you really need to sleep and can't because of the loud noises. That's why one of the most common questions that get asked at this time of year is 'how to sleep through loud noises.'

Well, replacing your old mattress won't block out the loud noises, but it will help you to get comfortable enough that you can focus more on blocking out the noises and less on finding a comfortable position to sleep in. That way you can focus more on how to sleep through loud noises and make sure you get all the sleep you need. By providing one less thing for you to worry about, the Sonno mattress will help you to sleep better.

Take Better Care Of Yourself

Many people make taking better care of themselves their new year's resolution when the Chinese New Year comes around. Replacing your mattress is a great way to do exactly that! In fact, your old and worn mattress could be doing you a lot of damage and harm without you even being aware.

Mattresses more than 8 years are likely to accumulate bacteria and dust over the course of time and this can cause your mattress to become dirty and unhygienic. Nobody wants to sleep in a dirty bed, but many people simply don't realise just how dirty their mattress has become over time. By not realising how dirty your mattress has become makes you more vulnerable to becoming ill and having poor sleep.

Your old spring mattress is also more likely to wear out over time which will cause the spring to start sticking out or digging into your body when you lie on it. This can make it very difficult to sleep and cause you to suffer from chronic pain in your back, neck and shoulders. This doesn't sound much like taking better care of yourself, does it?

Give Yourself The Sleep You Deserve

To make sure you're taking the best possible care of yourself and meet your new year's resolution, you really should change your mattress this Chinese New Year! The Sonno mattress makes an ideal replacement for your old mattress. It's latex and memory foam structure helps it stay cool which will go a long way to reducing the level of dust and bacteria that settles inside the mattress.

The memory foam will also support your body far more than your old or traditional spring mattress and distributes pressure evenly throughout the entire mattress. This means you will not only get a better night's sleep but will also see an improvement in the condition of your back, neck, and shoulders.

As you get involved in this year's Chinese New Year celebrations, take the time to think about what you want from the next year. If like most people, you want improved health, less stress and a better quality of life you should definitely think about replacing your mattress - and a Sonno mattress could be the right one for you.

By taking this chance to replace your mattress, you know you’ll be starting the new year as you mean to go on, with a healthier lifestyle and better sleeping behaviors.

Take a look at our mattress online and find out everything you need to decide whether the Sonno mattress is right for you. Remember, we offer a 100-night trial so that you can be sure that it really works for you and if you’re not completely happy, you can return the mattress to us for free.

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