Try These 9 Simple Ways to Stop Snoring

Try These 9 Simple Ways to Stop Snoring

Do you or anyone you know snore when they sleep? If the answer is yes, you’re not the only one! Snoring is more common than you think, pretty much everyone snores occasionally. 

However, if you or the person you know snore often, it might indicate a serious health issue. Frequent snoring not only keeps you from getting the quality sleep you need, but it will also keep your partner from getting a good night’s sleep. In the long term, this could affect your relationship as the lack of proper sleep can put your partner in a foul mood. Let’s take a look at how it happens and what triggers snoring in most people:

How does snoring happen?

The explanation is quite simple; when the air you breathe in your sleep can’t flow freely through your nose and throat, the surrounding tissues vibrate and make the snoring sounds that - thanks to cartoons - we’re all familiar with.

What causes snoring? 

People often think that only old or overweight people snore, but the truth is even the young and active snore in their sleep. Here are some of the most common causes of snoring:

  • Congestion from an illness: This a common one - when you’re having the flu, or a cold, or allergy symptoms, your nose tends to get stuffy and congested. This causes blockage in your airways, which ultimately leads to snoring.
  • Pregnancy: Not only pregnant women tend to snore due to their gained weight, but also the dramatic change of hormones can cause their mucous membranes to swell up - making snore more often.
  • Being a man: No joke. Men have a higher tendency to snore than women simply because of the different structures in their bodies. Apart from having larger airways, men have bigger throat spaces, making it more likely for their tongue to fall into the space-pocket and create the ripping noises we associate with snoring.
  • Born with it: Some people snore simply because of how their bodies are built. Snoring is typical among those who are born with larger than average tonsils, uvula, or nasal deformities.
  • Medication or alcohol: Certain medications can relax the muscles in your body, including the throat and nasal muscles. Although this helps with the medical condition that you're facing, it also results in snoring. The same applies to alcohol, as they tend to have a sedative effect on your body. 
  • Sleeping on your back: Sleeping on your back can obstruct your airways because of how your neck aligns your neck as you sleep, making it more likely for back sleepers to snore.

Can snoring be treated without surgery?

Thankfully, there are a lot of ways for you to tackle this “snorius” issue. Here are some easy, non-surgical methods that you can try to help reduce snoring:

1. Maintain a healthy weight and diet

Being overweight does lead to snoring, and although losing weight can be a difficult journey, it does result in better overall health. It’s never too late for you to start a healthy lifestyle!

2. Change your sleeping position

If you tend to snore when you sleep on your back, switch to side-sleeping. If you’re new to sleeping on your side, you can slowly adjust your sleeping habits by placing a pillow on your back while you sleep. The pillow will block you every time you roll on your back in your sleep, forcing you to stay on your side.

3. Change your pillow

If you sleep on your side and still snores, your pillow might be the issue. Make sure your neck is properly elevated and aligned with your back when you sleep. Invest in a pillow that can provide good support for your neck. A memory pillow such as Sonno the pillow is a great choice to help combat snoring.

4. Quit smoking

Not just cigarettes, but vaping can also cause irritation in your throat, making it dry and swell up.

5. Limit alcohol and medicines with sedative effects before bed

Alcohol aside, let your doctor know about your snoring problem. They can help prescribe alternative medications that won’t worsen your snoring problem.

6. Use a humidifier

Sleeping in a cool air-conditioned bedroom is nice, but the cold air will also dry your throat and nasal membranes, causing you to snore. A humidifier will keep the air in your bedroom moist, making it easier for you to breathe as you sleep.

7. Try nasal strips or dilators.

There are plenty of anti-snoring nasal strips or dilators that can help open up your nostrils by flattening your nose. They’re a great non-medical solution for snoring, especially for pregnant women.

8. Treat your allergies

Chronic allergies can cause frequent congestion and discomfort that lead to snoring. Talk to your doctor and get the right medication to treat your condition.

9. Get oral appliances from your dentist

Did you know you can get dental mouthpieces from your dentist to help prevent snoring? These mouthpieces are known as oral appliances, also used by sleep apnea patients to help keep the airways open and help you breathe easier as you sleep.

So there you go, we hope these tips can help you (and your partner) sleep better tonight. If you’re in search of sleep essentials that can improve your sleep quality, give Sonno mattress a try! 

With 100 nights risk-free trial period, you can try sleeping on our comfortable mattress in the comfort of your bedroom and in the off chance you don’t find it right for you, simply let us know and we’ll give you your money back! Check out our website at to learn more about Sonno sleep products.

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